Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (also known as TMJ/TMD) is estimated to affect approximately 10 million Americans. You or a loved one may suffer from TMJ disorder and not realize it because many sufferers never receive a diagnosis and therefore go untreated. Dr. Priya Mistry (The TMJ Doc) is a TMJ Dentist with a practice in Vancouver, WA (near Portland, OR). Her unique, state-of-the-art practice is dedicated to taking care of those with TMJ pain and dysfunction.

What is Temporomandibular Joint Disorder?
TMJ/TMD refers to any dysfunction related to the muscles that surround at support the jaw as well as the jaw joints. The jaw joints connect your jawbone to your skull on either side of your head. These joints control your jaw movement and they are working every time you speak, chew, and swallow. In fact, the jaw joints are the MOST used joints in your body.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder can be caused by any or all of the following:
- Sleep Disordered Breathing
- Imbalanced Bite - Crooked, Misaligned, or Missing Teeth
- Arthritis in the Temporomandibular Joints
- Poor Jaw Development
- Missing teeth
- Clenching or Bruxing
- Hypermobility
- Hormonal influences
- Direct or Indirect (Whiplash) Injury to the Head, Neck, or Jaw
Problems associated with the temporomandibular joints often affect jaw function. Jaw function and misalignment can affect the neck, shoulders, spine, and hips and all of this can then cause a variety of symptoms throughout your body. This is why the specific symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder can vary significantly from person to person—and why making a correct diagnosis is difficult for medical professionals that lack experience or continued education in diagnosis and treatment of TMJ/TMD.
One of the most reported symptoms of TMJ Disorder is pain. This pain can be severe and even debilitating, meaning that it impedes your ability to function daily. In severe cases of untreated TMJ/TMD, pain may radiate to the teeth, gums, ears, neck, shoulders, back, and extremities like the arms, hands, or fingers.
TMJ/TMD also can lead to painful headaches that occur regularly and may be misdiagnosed as migraines. Have you been diagnosed with migraines but struggled to find relief from the frequency of your headaches? Are the remedies for your migraines only alleviating the severity of the headaches, but doing nothing to diminish how often they occur? If so, TMJ Disorder could be the true cause of your headaches.
Other symptoms of TMJ/TMD include:
- Headaches
- Difficulty Chewing
- Misaligned Bite
- Excessive Tooth Wear
- Stuffiness or Congestion in the Ears
- Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
- Neck Pain
- Clicking/Popping Noises in the Jaw Joints
- Numbness/Tingling in the Face or Fingertips
- Vertigo or Dizziness
- Difficulty Sleeping
- Sinus Pressure
- Jaw Locking/Catching
- Ear Pain
- Facial Pain
- Shoulder Pain
This is not a complete list of symptoms mainly because TMJ/TMD can have far-reaching effects – especially the longer it goes undiagnosed and untreated. If you experience pain or any of the symptoms listed above or you suspect you may have TMJ/TMD, we recommend that you schedule a consultation with Dr. Priya Mistry (The TMJ Doc).
TMJ Disorder and Sleep Disordered Breathing
Sleep Disordered Breathing – Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS) – can lead to TMJ problems. How does this happen? If you’re struggling for oxygen at night, your body will go into “fight or flight” mode. This is a very stressful mode to be in and in response to this stress, people will clench and grind/brux their teeth. Grinding the jaw forward opens the airway BUT consistent clenching/bruxing activity will lead to dysfunction of the jaw joints and the muscles that surround and support the jaw, leading to TMJ/TMD.
How Can Dr. Mistry Help?
During your new patient examination, Dr. Mistry will gather a thorough history of your condition. She will also conduct a joint and muscle palpation exam, a bite analysis, and a postural exam. Dr. Mistry uses other diagnostic technology such as a CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography). The CBCT shows 3D imaging of your jaw joints, upper cervical vertebrae, airway, and more! Dr. Mistry may recommend an MRI and/or Tek Scan as needed to aid in diagnosis. She will then design a treatment plan that is customized to YOU and what will work best to help with your TMJ/TMD.
The Value of TMJ Treatment With Dr. Mistry
TMJ/TMD can be treated in a number of ways. Dr. Mistry’s modality of treating TMJ Disorder is truly unique – combining orthotic use with hands-on therapy – which includes craniosacral therapy, myofascial release, and osteopathic manual jaw manipulation. The goal of TMJ/TMD treatment is to relieve the jaw imbalance, increase blood flow to the muscles and the jaw joints, and reduce inflammation in the muscles and the jaw joints. If you’re searching for TMJ/TMD treatment that is non-invasive and effective, Dr. Mistry should be your first stop! She celebrates a 90% success rate with her effective treatment modalities!
Advantages of TMJ Treatment With Dr. Mistry
There are multiple advantages to Dr. Mistry’s modality of treatment, as listed below:
- Drug-free – Orthotic and hands-on therapy do not entail the use of pain medication to manage your condition.
- Minimally invasive – Dr. Mistry’s treatment methods do not involve surgery.
- Treatment is comfortable – Once you begin treatment with Dr. Mistry, you should begin to experience relief within 1-2 months.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder is a serious condition that should not be ignored because it will not go away on its own. Keep in mind that TMJ/TMD is a chronic, progressive disease and if left untreated, it will likely worsen! You don’t have to live with pain for the rest of your life! Get TMJ relief by seeking the care of a qualified TMJ Dentist that can provide a proper diagnosis and effective treatment for your condition.